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Guitarra Baixo Violão

terça-feira, março 12, 2013

Fernando, are you missing this critical guitar skill?

Fernando, are you missing this critical guitar skill?

Click here to learn moreHey Fernando

The other day I showed you what is arguably the most important skill every guitarist NEEDS, to be able to play freely, easily and enjoyably.

Because it is such an important part of becoming a great guitarist, I just wanted to make sure you didn't miss the fantastic resource that shows you how to easily master this special skill - since it's possibly the most important step on the path to being a great musician...

Over at Ear Training HQ, founder Scott Edwards has developed a revolutionary new method for training your ears - that cuts out the hours of pointless and dull exercises that most music "experts" tell you to waste your time on.

Scott has a free video that you can watch that explains all the ins-and-outs of ear training. It ! also shows you what most music teachers get WRONG, that makes learning this stuff any other way so difficult.

Scott really knows his stuff, has had years of experience teaching and he's a really humble guy - he's actually an award winning musician - he won an award at one of Australia's music and arts festivals but refuses to brag about it. I know I'd be telling everyone!

Scott's been getting some amazing results - here's what guitarist Guy F., one of Scott's students, had to say about the course:

"I've progressed more in 2 or 3 weeks with Ear Training HQ, than I have in years of ear training with other courses. Thanks again for developing a quality ear-training course." Guy F. - Guitarist

Since it's so important to your guitar playing, and Scott shows you how to do it so quickly and easily, I urge you to click here to watch the free video

There i! s no eas ier, faster way to not just get better at guitar...

...but get GREAT at guitar. Check it out here

Scott's organized a special offer for members of the Elmore Music newsletter.

Unfortunately, I'm not sure how long Scott will be able to leave that page up for you, so check it out today - even if you decide the course isn't for you, he gives you some great info on ear training and how ear training can help you to be a better musician, and therefore a great guitarist.

Warm Regards,

Chris Elmore

P.S. This is a sponsored message

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