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O Speed Zine é um fanzine de música dedicado principalmente ao rock, metal, punk e progressivo, e suas diversas vertentes. O Speed Zine é uma fonte de informação indispensável para os fãs de Rock Metal Punk ... Apoio Cultural: PIX - $01,00, $05,00 e $10,00 https://livepix.gg/fernandoguitarbass ...
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[Violent Records] 3 Ways to Destroy the World - Hierarchical Punishment/Agathocles/Forbidden Ideas cd review
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Fernando Carvalho
17- 9155-4920
Show de Roger Waters em São Paulo muda de data
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Fernando Carvalho
17- 9155-4920
Monodose - Nova música publicada
Olá Fernando Carvalho, |
Monodose publicou um nova música no site Bandas de Garagem - UOL O meu orgulho |
Atenciosamente, Equipe BDG Twitter @bandasdegaragem www.bandasdegaragem.com.br O sucesso da sua banda começa aqui! Com 1.000 créditos seu perfil pode ficar quase 10 dias em destaque em todas as páginas do BDG, a partir de R$25,00 - Veja como é fácil, rápido e seguro! |
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Fernando Carvalho
17- 9155-4920
Right Hand Technique For When You First Start Learning Classical Guitar
Right Hand Technique For When You First Start Learning Classical Guitar Right hand technique is very important to achieve mastery of classical guitar. The most important thing to remember is to keep your hand relaxed and as still as possible while striking the strings with your fingers by moving them mainly at the middle knuckle with a relaxed motion. Your thumb should be placed in front of your fingers so you have clearance for the follow-through of your technique - your fingers will be placed behind your thumb for this same reason. The striking surface of your thumb will be on the side. The striking surface of your fingers will be just under the tips on the pads. The stroke of each finger should follow through in the direction of the palm. To condition your fingers I included 2 exercises below: Ex.1 E |------------------0--------------------0-| Ex.2 E |-----------------0--------------------0-|
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No music theory, background or knowledge required. Anyone can learn to play classical guitar with our easy system. It doesn't matter what age you are or which country you live in. The course will show you how to play classical guitar from beginning to end. With our standard step-by-step instructions & video, 'Classical Guitar Mastery' is what you need to successful learn to master classical guitar. Click here to learn more Warm Regards, |
The Elmore Organisation
P.O. Box 8366
Brisbane, Queensland
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Fernando Carvalho
17- 9155-4920
Gathucha, 53 - Quer conhecer?
Gathucha, 53 - Quer conhecer?Quer sair p/ dançar com um rapaz, 50-55 Obrigado, A Equipe Badoo P.S: Conheça mais pessoas agora, vá para o Foco! Esta é uma mensagem de somente envio. Respostas a esta mensagem não são monitoradas ou respondidas. Você recebeu esta mensagem como um usuário registrado do Badoo, para controlar que emails você recebe por favor modifique as suas configurações. |
[Violent Records] Vulcano em SC neste sabado / Vulcano gig
Since 2004! ========= Esta mensagem é enviada com a complacência da nova legislação sobre correio eletrônico, Seção 301, Parágrafo (a) (2) (c) Decreto S. 1618, Título Terceiro aprovado pelo "105 Congresso Base das Normativas Internacionais sobre o SPAM". Este E-mail não poderá ser considerado SPAM quando inclua uma forma de ser removido. Se você não quiser receber mais estes e-mails, por favor envie-nos uma mensagem com assunto RETIRE-ME para o e-mail luizcpl@yahoo.com, para retirarmos seu nome do cadastro, e desculpe o incomodo!
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Fernando Carvalho
17- 9155-4920
Creative Chords Part # 1
Creative Chords Part # 1 Sometimes a song will call for a different type of chord other than the typical open or barre chords you already are aware of. You may even be looking for a different type of chord to layer with a familiar open or barre chord. If you are, then check out this lesson. These chords consistently make use of the open "E" string so you already know that these chords will have a unique sound. Most of these chords are ambiguous and have multiple names depending on the context in which they're played and what another guitarist or bass player is playing. For this reason, I kept the implied chords found below to simple harmony. I'm also not dictating a key as these chords can be found in multiple keys. Ex.1 &nb sp; Am G6 C Dadd2 Em Dadd2 Em
You can really have fun experimenting with these creative chords by playing with a bassist, keyboardist, or another guitarist. If you have the ability to record additional tracks to play this idea against that would be great too! The idea in example 2 is in 7/8 so if you're not familiar with this time signature listen to me play it carefully and practice it. Just think of it as having 7 beats to a measure instead of the typical 4 beats per measure. This will get you on the right track to pl;aying this idea. Ex.2 E |--0-------0---------0----------0-------0------0-----| E |-0----0----0---------0-----0-----0-----|
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It's just like having your very own private tutor in your home guiding you every step of the way. We show you how to play the acoustic guitar the right way and alleviate the frustration and stress that comes with learning anything new. With our standard step-by-step instructions and video 'The Accelerated Guide To Acoustic Guitar' is what you need to successful learn to master the ac oustic guitar. We give you our qualified tutor plus the need to know topics to help you learn quicker and with minimal stress doing so. Click here to learn more Warm Regards, |
The Elmore Organisation
P.O. Box 8366
Brisbane, Queensland
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Fernando Carvalho
17- 9155-4920
You're invited to submit to Remix Carmen Rizzo's "The Space Left Behind"!
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Fernando Carvalho
17- 9155-4920
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Fernando Carvalho
17- 9155-4920