
Alerta do Google - banda Cáscara Sagrada

Novidades :: Banda Cáscara Sagrada
Site lançado. 2012-02-05 19:30. Nosso novo site foi lançado hoje : 05/02/2012 Aqui neste site você vai saber tudo d a Banda Cáscara Sagrada e as novidades.
Banda Cascara Sagrada
Banda Cascara Sagrada. Página inicial · Sobre Nós · Contate-nos · Mensagens · Novidades · Galeria de fotos · Livro de visitas · Blog · Produtos · Nossa equipe ...
Calendário de eventos :: Banda Cáscara Sagrada
Banda Cáscara Sagrada. Banda de Garage Rock ... Recital Santa Secília Dia 26/ 06/2012 Evento com Bandas e alunos da Escola de Musica Santa Cecília ...

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Fernando Carvalho
 17- 9155-4920

: Sons da semana com Michel Leme Trio

Bar B
Michel Leme Trio, 23h, Rua General Jardim, 43 - Centro (SP).


Clube Berlim
Som com Lucas Macedo, Michel Leme, Bruno Migotto e Jônatas Sansão.

Às 23h30min, na Rua Cônego Vicente Miguel Marino, 85 - Barra Funda (SP).

Sagrada Música
Som com Michel Leme e convidados. Às 11h, Rua João de Sousa Dias, 494 - Campo Belo.

Som na rua!




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Fernando Carvalho
 17- 9155-4920

How To Play Jazz Chord Progressions

How To Play Jazz Chord Progressions

Click here to watch videoHey Fernando,

For the most part, popular chord progressions in the Rock genre are basic and up to this point we haven't played anything more complicated than a 7th chord. This lesson changes things up a bit...

This lesson is based on a very, very common jazz sequence called the 2-5-1.

There is also a diminished chord at the end of the progression to turn back to the beginning again.

In this style, you'll almost always find the "2" chord as a minor sound. The "5" chord will always be dominant of some kind and quite often altered in some way.

This means the 5th of the chord or the 9th (possibly both) will be raised or lowered.

I'm demonstrating the progression in three keys that are popular in the Jazz genre and chose to play variations on each of them since there are so many possibilities when you're dealing with Jazz harmony.

Have fun with this one!

Example 1:

    Am7       D7b9      Gmaj7   G#dim7
E |-----------------------------------|
B |-5----------4-----------3-------3--|
G |-5----------5-----------4--------4-|
D |-5----------4-----------4--------3-|
A |------------5----------------------|
E |-5----------------------3--------4-|

Example 2:

    Gm9       C13       Fmaj7     F#dim7
E |-------------------------------------|
B |-10---------10---------10-------10---|
G |-10---------9----------9--------8----|
D |-8----------8----------10-------10---|
A |-10--------------------8--------9----|
E |------------8------------------------|

Example 3:

    Cm9      F7b9#5    Bbmaj9        Bdim7
E |-10---------9---------8-------------7---|
B |-8----------7---------6-------------6---|
G |-8----------8---------7-------------7---|
D |-8----------7---------7-------------6---|
A |------------8---------------------------|
E |-8--------------------6-----------------|


Chord Progression Mastery

Chord Progression MasteryOne of the final stages you'll go through before beginning to learn songs will be guitar chord progressions designed for practice.

They will provide you with that all important transitional step as you make the move out of learning guitar and into playing your first real song.

It is that simple secret that will transform your playing and it all lies with chord progressions.

We have teamed up together to create the 'Chord Progression Mastery'.

Click here to learn more

Warm Regards,

Chris Elmore
Elmore Music

The Elmore Organisation

P.O. Box 8366
Brisbane, Queensland

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Fernando Carvalho
 17- 9155-4920


Aulas de Percussão!
Olá pessoal, Ismael Rattis abriu novos horários para aulas de percussão: Cajon, Pandeiro, Zabumba, Triângulo, Tamborim, Surdo, Tan-tan, etc. 

Aulas particular ou em grupo! 

(061) 8115-5482


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Fernando Carvalho
 17- 9155-4920

New Internet Radio Station Looking for Fresh Tracks — Ready to submit?

Opportunity Notice ReverbNation
Get your music heard by new potential fans worldwide!
Dates: Wednesday, February 1st - Thursday, May 31st
Location: Online
Submissions Open: Submissions are open now!
Submissions Close: Thu May 31
Submission Fee: 0.00
Learn More
Event Description:

Butterflies Radio is an internet-based radio station that streams music from the best independent musicians from around the world. While a majority of the music in rotation consists of Pop and Rock, Butterflies Radio accepts and plays a wide range of genres, including Hip-Hop, Rap, Country, Jazz, Electronica and more. Be sure to check out Butterflies Radio at!

Butterflies Radio does not guarantee that your songs will be added to their rotation. There are several factors that they take into consideration when reviewing your material. Here are a few examples:

- Recordings of live concerts will usually not be added.
- Songs with excessive obscenities will not be accepted.
- Songs with degrading or insulting lyrics will not be accepted.

Butterflies Radio is non-profit and does not sell advertising. They do not pay royalties for the music on rotation.

Learn More »

Thank you,
Reverb Live Team

Submission requires a free ReverbNation account and active subscription to ReverbNation Press Kits.

Don't want to receive opportunity notices any longer? Unsubscribe »

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Fernando Carvalho
 17- 9155-4920

Última Chance GHS Boomers!

Para garantir que nossos comunicados cheguem em sua caixa de entrada,
adicione o email ao seu catálogo de endereços.

A Guitar Player respeita a sua privacidade e é contra o spam na rede.
Se você não deseja mais receber nossos e-mails, cancele sua inscrição aqui.

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Fernando Carvalho
 17- 9155-4920

Aprenda ÁUDIO de onde estiver! Áudio Fundamentos Online!

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e-mail com o título "REMOVER"

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Fernando Carvalho
 17- 9155-4920

Learn The Art Of String Skipping

Learn The Art Of String Skipping

Click here to watch videoHey Fernando,

You may reach a point in your soloing where you sound as if you're playing through a scale ...

... and you want your leads to sound more melodic with a sense of unpredictability.

A great way to add a bit of a twist to your soloing is applying string skipping.

This is a very simple concept, yet slightly more demanding for your picking hand because if your picking isn't accurate this strategy will sound sloppy and ineffective.

The best way to practice your picking is by starting with the 6th string and skip strings slowly toward the 1st string using alternating strokes.

Example 1:

E |------------------10---------------------|
B |------------10---------10----------------|
G |-------9-------7-----7-------9-----------|
D |---9-----7-----------------7-----9-------|
A |-----7--------------------------7--------|
E |-7-----------------------------------7---|

Here are a couple ideas in E minor that are inspired by the string skipping concept.

Example 2:

E |------------7--------------------------------------10--------12----14--|
B |------10-----7-------------------------10------------------------------|
G |--9------9-------7---7-------------9-------9s11----12s14----12---------|
D |----7----------9----------------------7--------------------------------|
A |7-------------------9---7s5---5s7--------------------------------------|
E |-----------------------------------------------------------------------|


Lead Guitar Mastery ...

Lead Guitar MasteryLearning how to play lead and solos on your guitar is an extremely important role if you truly want to master the guitar.

It is essential to learn the nuts and bolts of these topics so you have the information you need to actually improve your playing skills.

That is why we created a course that is tailored on these exact topics.

With the help of 'Lead Guitar Mastery' there will be no more "I'm confused?" but more "Wow, I finally understand where I was going wrong"

Click here to learn more

Warm Regards,

Chris Elmore
Elmore Music

The Elmore Organisation

P.O. Box 8366
Brisbane, Queensland

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

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Fernando Carvalho
 17- 9155-4920

3 pessoas no Badoo estão esperando para conversar com você!

3 pessoas no Badoo estão esperando para conversar com você!

3 pessoas estão lhe esperando para conversar:

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Variax James Tyler

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Fernando Carvalho
 17- 9155-4920

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Fernando Carvalho
 17- 9155-4920

The Radio Cafe Indie Music Countdown wants your best song

Opportunity Notice ReverbNation
This is your invitation to submit your best song to The 2012 Radio Cafe Indie Music Countdown
Dates: Sunday, January 1st - Monday, December 31st
Location: Online
Submissions Open: Fri Jan 6
Submissions Close: Fri Nov 30
Submission Fee: 0.00
Learn More
Event Description:

After a successful 1st year (2011), Indie Music Channel's hit indie radio show "The Radio Café" has teamed up once again with ReverbNation to bring you the BEST indie music radio show around in 2012! "The Radio Café ReverbNation Indie Music Countdown" is a weekly internet radio show which features the BEST indie music created by ReverbNation members from around the world! The show is hosted by its creator, Emmy Award winner Christopher Ewing, who, for years, has been a major advocate for getting radio airplay and recognition for independent singers and bands.

If you submitted for last year's (2011) Indie Music Channel's "The Radio Cafe", you must submit again to this to be included in the 2012 radio show. There is no submission fee!

Here's how it works:

There is NO SUBMISSION FEE! This is truly about you and your music getting heard! We will make every effort to let you know if your music was chosen for airplay or not.

Indie singers and bands submit their music for airplay on "The Radio Café ReverbNation Indie Music Countdown" using their RPK. If "The Radio Café" chooses your song, you will be notified as to when it will start spinning. "The Radio Café" may even want to do an "on-air" interview with you over the phone or in the studio! Your music will remain in rotation each week based upon the votes cast by listeners of the show. So if your song is chosen for airplay, be sure to tell all of your friends to vote for your song to keep it spinning each week!

# of Guaranteed ReverbNation Artists to be played on each show: at least 14 artists per week.

Learn More »

Thank you,
Reverb Live Team

Submission requires a free ReverbNation account and active subscription to ReverbNation Press Kits.

Don't want to receive opportunity notices any longer? Unsubscribe »

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Fernando Carvalho
 17- 9155-4920