
Perform at International Festival for 100,000+

The Daily Gig Guide Gigs to Book. Bands We Love.
Music Matters Live 2013

Music Matters is an award-winning, pioneer music industry festival and is Asia Pacific's destination for digital and live entertainment businesses. In conjunction with YouTube, the festival reaches over 100,000 viewers.

Over 40 bands from more than 15 countries will be selected to play. There are two guaranteed spots for Sonicbids members, and those who create a Sonicbids account upon submitting to Music Matters are entitled to a free month's subscription package.

Previous bands who have played here include: Simple Plan, Jezabels, Little Red, Kate Miller-Heidke, and Evaline.

Submissions close February 11th.

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Fernando Carvalho
 17- 9155-4920


Violent Records] Vulcano metal news - Vulcano em Santa Catarina (video) e novidades

English version below
O Vulcano encerrou o ano de 2012 participando novamente do excelente Zoombie Ritual Fest, em Rio Negrinho/SC e foi disponibilizado um video contendo as 2 primeiras músicas do set-list (Satanic Legions-Intro e Witche's Sabbath):
Na edição de Dez/12 da conceituada revista Roadie Crew (capa c/ Led Zeppelin), o vocalista Luiz Carlos Louzada participa da coluna Roadie Profile (
No momento, a banda encontra-se em estúdio gravando o sucessor do album "Drowning in Blood"; a previsão de lançamento é para o fim de abril.
Em maio, o grupo embarca para sua 3a.tour européia (intitulada "Thunder Metal Tour - Conquering of Europe"), ao lados dos grupos The Stone (Sérvia) e Nifelheim (Suécia), percorrendo países como Inglaterra, Suécia, Dinamarca, Noruega, Bélgica, Alemanha entre outros.
Contatos para show: (booking)
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Vulcano ended the year 2012 participating again the excellent Zoombie Ritual Fest in Rio Negrinho city (Santa Catarina Estate in Brazil) and was provided a video containing the first 2 songs on the set list (Satanic Legions-Intro and Witche's Sabbath):

Photo Gallery:

In 2012/Dec edition of the prestigious magazine Roadie Crew (cover w / Led Zeppelin), vocalist Luiz Carlos Louzada participates column Roadie Profile ( .

Currently, the band is in the studio recording the successor to the album "Drowning in Blood", the release date is the end of April.

In May, the group leaves for its European 3rd tour (titled "Thunder Metal Tour - Conquering of Europe") at the sides of the groups The Stone (Serbia) and Nifelheim (Sweden), covering countries such as England, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Germany among others.

Contacts / booking: (South America) / (Europe)
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Cadastre sua Banda no BDG
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Diversão garantida no jogo de estrategia da Banda
Fernando Carvalho
 17- 9155-4920
