
Banda Space Child // Brasil

  • Cidade natal : Barretos
  • Interesses da banda   :   Compor, Tocar e Gravar
  • Gênero : Hard Rock

  • No vídeo temos a a mostra desta promissora Banda do nosso rico underground
    que tem o nome de uma musica  da Banda UFO - Space Child de - 1974 -
    do LP  Phenomenon   é a musica de numero quatro .

    SZ: Qual é a formação atual ?

    r : A formação atual ainda é a formação original. Com Wes Ventura no Vocal, Guns na Bateria, Val Veiker na Guitarra e Guilherme Soares no Baixo.

    SZ: Quem ja tocou na banda e porque saiu ?

    r : Todos os membros citados acima, ninguém saiu.

    SZ:Quais as influencias de cada integrante ?

    r: Wes Ventura: Dio, Metallica, Led Zeppelin, Nirvana, The Doors, Pearl Jam e Soundgarden.
    Guns: Guns n Roses, Kiss, The Doors, Slipknot e Black Sabbath.
    Val Veiker: Kiss, Guns n Roses, Iron Maiden, Def Leppard, Dokken, Judas Priest e War Babies.
    Guilherme Soares: ACDC, Led Zeppelin, Kiss, Metallica, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, Rolling Stones.

    SZ:Qual a maior influencia da banda apenas uma?

    r: Não temos uma banda específica, fazemos um som autoral em busca de originalidade musical.

    SZ:Defina o que é uma banda ?

    r: Uma união de mentes em busca de criar algo inovador.

    SZ: Como se sustenta a banda no mercado nacional?

    R: Para sustentar a banda, temos empregos fixos, no qual cada um contribui com uma parte em prol da banda.

    SZ:Comente a cena independente do Brasil?

    r: A cena independente continua forte como sempre foi, mas infelizmente a mídia, e todos os meios de divulgação favorecem a música comercial e Mainstream, ignorando talentos inovadores.

    SZ: Como será o mercado musical daqui a 10 anos?

    r : A tendência é piorar, pois a cultura musical em nosso país está em decadência. É imprevisível dizer como estará, mas se continuar assim, temos muito medo de saber a resposta.

    SZ:O que é preciso para ter sucesso?

    r: Infelizmente, nos dias de hoje, se vender.

    SZ: Quais os projetos para 2015?

    r: Para 2015, concluir nossa agenda de shows e Lançar nosso Single: Trying To Run From Space.

    SZ: O Rock ainda é uma filosofia de vida ou está manipulado pela midia? Como você vê o Rock nacional?

    r: Muitas bandas estão deixando-se influenciar por produtores musicais que querem fazer som que vende, extraindo suas características originais e moldando-as em simples projetos comerciais.

    SZ: Qual o futuro do Rock?

    r: O futuro do Rock é incerto, pois de tempos em tempos surgem novas vertentes.

    SZ: Onde tocaram e qual foi a reação do publico?

    r: Atualmente estamos fazendo shows regionais, e o público tem gostado bastante do nosso trabalho.

    SZ: Porque Space Child ?

    r: Devido à sonoridade própria da Space Child, que incorpora o feeling de cada um dos integrantes. 

    SZ: Deixe alguma mensagem para quem esta formando ou pensando em formar uma banda de rock?

    r: Sejam originais, nunca tentando parecer com alguma outra banda. Componham suas músicas e trabalhe duro.

    SZ: Considerações finais .

    r: Agradecemos pela entrevista e desejamos muito Rock n Roll aos Leitores.



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    Banda Cáscara Sagrada
    Ouça as musicas no site e comente 

    entre no  Game da Banda 

    Fernando Carvalho 

     17- 99155-4920



    Fall Term Starts on Monday

    Cursos on-line começam esta segunda-feira, 28 setembro e o espaço é limitado. Depois na próxima semana, você não vai ter outra oportunidade de estudar com a gente até janeiro de 2016.
    Berklee Online
    Fall Term Starts Next Monday

    Online courses begin this Monday, September 28 and space is limited. After next week, you won't have another opportunity to study with us until January 2016.

    Contact an Academic Advisor at 1-866-BERKLEE (USA) or
    +1-617-747-2146 (INTL) to enroll.
    In addition to our weekday hours, Advisors be available this Saturday and Sunday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM EDT.

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    Berklee Online
    1140 Boylston St. MS-855 - Boston, MA 02215

    Berklee College of Music is fully accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC)


    Banda Cáscara Sagrada
    Ouça as musicas no site e comente 

    entre no  Game da Banda 

    Fernando Carvalho 

     17- 99155-4920



    [News] Join a Songwriting Q&A, Enroll for Fall Term, and Listen to Our Student Spotify Playlist

    Berklee Online
    Next Term Begins September 28
    Bonnie Hayes

    Join us this Friday, September 18 at 2:30PM (ET) for a live YouTube Q&A with Bonnie Hayes, chair of Berklee's Songwriting Department, and host Carin Nuernberg, Dean of Continuing Education. Submit your questions on Twitter using #WriteFearlessly.
    Learn More

    Fall Term Starts on Monday, Sept. 28

    Berklee Online's fall term is less than two weeks away! Classes are filling up fast, so enroll today to ensure space in the course, or courses, of your choice. Enroll Now

    Eirini Tornesaki

    On September 1st, online songwriting student and Cirque du Soleil vocalist Eirini Tornesaki sang the U.S. National Anthem at the Cubs-Reds game at Wrigley Field. Watch Now

    In Case You Missed It...

    See What's New for Fall 2015
    Fall 2015 will see the addition of degree path certificates and a number of new courses, including Electronic Music Production 101 and Music Theory and Composition 1 and 2. Learn More

    See Photos and Videos from the Berklee Online Staff Jam
    The Berklee Online staff recently took over Cafe 939 for a night of jamming. See photos and videos now on our blog: Read Now

    Student News

    Listen to the Berklee Online Student Spotify Playlist
    From hip hop to instrumentals, many genres are represented in this Spotify playlist featuring music by Berklee Online students. Listen Now

    Mourn the Martyr Releases Debut Album
    Music Production major Cooper Kanew and his band Mourn the Martyr recently released their debut album, Words Last. Listen Now

    News & Deals from Our Industry Partners

    Berklee Online students and alumni are eligible to receive educational discounts on Steinberg's top products, including Cubase Pro and the UR44 audio interface. Learn More


    Berklee Online students are eligible for a 50% discount on all D'Addario products, including guitar strings, Evans drumheads, and Planet Waves cables. Learn More

    Berklee College of Music News
    Online and Campus Students Collaborate in Boston

    Two Berklee Online students—Yukari Kosuge of Japan and Magnus Johannessen of the Faroe Islands—flew to Boston to hear their compositions performed by the Berklee Contemporary Symphony Orchestra in the Shames Family Scoring Stage. It was the first performance of its kind in Berklee history, through which the college's online and brick-and-mortar programs were integrated in such a collaborative way. Read Now

    Contact a Berklee Online Academic Advisor
    1-866-BERKLEE (USA) | +1-617-747-2146 (INTL)

    Berklee Online
    1140 Boylston St. MS-855
    Boston, MA 02215

    Berklee College of Music is fully accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC)


    Banda Cáscara Sagrada
    Ouça as musicas no site e comente 

    entre no  Game da Banda 

    Fernando Carvalho 

     17- 99155-4920



    Join Us Friday for a Live Q&A with Songwriting Chair Bonnie Hayes

    Berklee Online
    Bonnie Hayes

    Join us this Friday, September 18 at 2:30PM (ET) for a live YouTube Q&A with Bonnie Hayes, chair of Berklee's Songwriting Department, and host Carin Nuernberg, Dean of Continuing Education.

    Bonnie is an award-winning songwriter for Bonnie Raitt, Bette Midler, and David Crosby, and was instrumental in developing our new online Bachelor of Professional Studies degree major in Songwriting.

    In addition to answering your questions via YouTube and Twitter, Bonnie and Carin will discuss how Berklee Online's new songwriting major will prepare you for a career in the music industry.

    You can start sending questions to Bonnie now via Twitter using #WriteFearlessly.

    Explore Berklee Online: Courses | Certificates | Degree Programs

    Contact a Berklee Online Academic Advisor
    1-866-BERKLEE (USA) | +1-617-747-2146 (INTL)

    Berklee Online
    1140 Boylston St. MS-855 - Boston, MA 02215

    Berklee College of Music is fully accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC)


    Banda Cáscara Sagrada
    Ouça as musicas no site e comente 

    entre no  Game da Banda 

    Fernando Carvalho 

     17- 99155-4920



    New Songwriting Degree Program

    Berklee Online
    Berklee Online Songwriting

    Program Starts January 2016 - Apply Today and Receive An Admissions Decision Within Two Weeks

    Berklee Online is the only fully accredited school in the world that offers an online Bachelor's degree in Songwriting. Learn how to enhance your craft and write fearlessly with esteemed Berklee instructors who have taught Grammy Award winners such as John Mayer and Gillian Welch.

    Develop your voice as a songwriter and learn to write more effectively and efficiently, whether by yourself or in collaboration with other songwriters. In this program, you will learn techniques for writing original songs in a variety of musical styles, in addition to the business skills necessary to achieve your career goals. 

    Explore Berklee Online: Courses | Certificates | Degree Programs

    Contact a Berklee Online Academic Advisor
    1-866-BERKLEE (USA) | +1-617-747-2146 (INTL)

    Berklee Online
    1140 Boylston St. MS-855 - Boston, MA 02215

    Berklee College of Music is fully accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC)


    Banda Cáscara Sagrada
    Ouça as musicas no site e comente 

    entre no  Game da Banda 

    Fernando Carvalho 

     17- 99155-4920

