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Random Hangout: Donkey Kong Country edition

1 person you follow joined this discussion: Harby Fully Loaded | The Disqusting Place  The Disqusting Place | 2061 comments

Cheesy N4chos

Is that yourself in that avatar?

Harby Fully Loaded

yes it is
A-Thor-able indeed

Harby Fully Loaded

Well I'm off to bed
Night you sexy bastards.

2059 additional comments | View the full discussion on The Disqusting Place

DBM Awards; Results

1 person you follow joined this discussion: Nishi ♡ | Don't bully me e.e  Don't bully me e.e | 1720 comments

Nishi ♡

Tell me to stfu pls Weed. I need to stop commenting.

Nishi ♡

For the next award thread, I'll be there first to nominate.

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Anti-social freak

1 person you follow joined this discussion: Nishi ♡ | Don't bully me e.e  Don't bully me e.e | 977 comments

Nishi ♡


Nishi ♡

I fixed the punctuations a bit and paragraphed it so refresh if needed.

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10 liberal myths, easily disproved by the facts

1 person you follow joined this discussion: DarkGoldenMan | POLITICAL RHETORIC BUSTERS  POLITICAL RHETORIC BUSTERS | 651 comments


I asked below. Nothing so far.


You were afraid to pick one.


Eh? I am Greek?
Arent you going to provide at least a basic form of resistance on what i said about your homeland? Or you are ashamed by the truth??


Yes, your people are cowards that fled to Greece at the first sign of trouble.
Now you spend your days on the beach at Mykonos, trawling for men.

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Making yourself the story is a really dumb idea

1 person you follow joined this discussion: DarkGoldenMan | POLITICAL RHETORIC BUSTERS  POLITICAL RHETORIC BUSTERS | 422 comments

Arthur Julien


You bitch about people looking toward politicians to solve our problems. But you have no problem with our politicians creating more problems, like dismantling the EPA and pulling us ...


The Paris Economic Sham Agreement was a problem that DJT solved.
Burdensome EPA over-reach is a problem that DJT is solving.

Arthur Julien


The science of climate changes SAYS that man is the driving force.

The fact that you people simply deny it and race to make things worse, is ALARMING!


"Consensus" isn't a scientific method.

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Are the Races of Man "Equal", or Are There Differences in Temperament, Intelligence and Physical Abilities?

1 person you follow joined this discussion: DarkGoldenMan | POLITICAL RHETORIC BUSTERS  POLITICAL RHETORIC BUSTERS | 1147 comments

Vampire Jesus

I think it is more nature than nurture, considering evolution in lower animals.

Wolverines cannot be tamed, and penguins will never fly, no matter how hard they may try.


what I wanted to say...... what I wanted to say

When Dylan Roof was on the run I bet you cheered for him FuckGoldenGoof


You and that scrawny white boy think alike. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Rabbits, Chocolate and Manga.

1 person you follow joined this discussion: Nishi ♡ | Don't bully me e.e  Don't bully me e.e | 575 comments

Nishi ♡

My siblings stole my bar of chocolate. ;-;

Nishi ♡

Is there a way to restrict the word Nep/Neptune. Hmm.

573 additional comments | View the full discussion on Don't bully me e.e

Other: It's A Candace Party day Thread

1 person you follow joined this discussion: Lilith, High Priest of Morbo | The A.V. Club After Dark  The A.V. Club After Dark | 2873 comments


"Real Life Rocky as Schoolteacher Jeff Horn Achieves Stunning Victory Against Manny Pacquiao"

Rocky lost! Fake news!

Lilith, High Priest of Morbo

Bernie wouldve won

Sponsored by Waverunner™

I talk to pets like regular people so I can't judge.

Lilith, High Priest of Morbo

It gets weird when you call your neighbor "such a good boy"

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'I was recruited to collude with the Russians': An unexpected player has added a new layer to the Trump campaign's Russia ties

1 person you follow joined this discussion: DarkGoldenMan | POLITICAL RHETORIC BUSTERS  POLITICAL RHETORIC BUSTERS | 89 comments


Is this you, Donald. Still battling with reality, I see.


Why are you upset about DJT's joke. The emails Hillary destroyed were
only about yoga and wedding cakes, remember?

Leftists lie so often that they can't keep their ...

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See the NRA commercial that's got the Libtards hella triggered

1 person you follow joined this discussion: DarkGoldenMan | POLITICAL RHETORIC BUSTERS  POLITICAL RHETORIC BUSTERS | 375 comments


Yes someone with a gun did stop the knife attacker in London they were called policemen...Remind me again, who was that "someone with a gun" who stopped Micah Johnson ...


LOL just as I thought... of course you wouldn't notice your irony (or should I rather say stupid logic) in your own statements...So let me explain.
If Micah ...


I said someone with a gun would stop the knife attacker. You are drunk, go sleep it off.

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Why the generation after millennials will vote Republican

1 person you follow joined this discussion: DarkGoldenMan | POLITICAL RHETORIC BUSTERS  POLITICAL RHETORIC BUSTERS | 423 comments


So? What party does he belong to?


You're not even asking the right question. The question is; did his party express the position, or did he?


You didn't read my last cite did you. Well, here is part of the
opening paragraph:

an American businessman and current President of the United States, has been accused ...


The last one wasn't paid. She simply crawled back under whatever rock she crawled out from.

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"It's modern day presidential": Trump insists his tweets are here to stay after feud with Mika and Joe

1 person you follow joined this discussion: DarkGoldenMan | POLITICAL RHETORIC BUSTERS  POLITICAL RHETORIC BUSTERS | 544 comments

flying rabbit

Trump's tweets are a way to create a big distraction so people won't see the ugly things his party is doing right now like taking medicaid away from ...


Nobody has taken Medicaid away from anybody. Where do you get this shit?

flying rabbit

Reading actual real news, instead of the fake news your read. You should try it sometime.


NYT & AP each issued massive retractions this week, admitting that they lied for 8 months.

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DESPICABLE: Look What One University is Teaching About 9/11. Disgusting.

1 person you follow joined this discussion: DarkGoldenMan | POLITICAL RHETORIC BUSTERS  POLITICAL RHETORIC BUSTERS | 99 comments

Mr. G.

It does us well to listen to the voices we created thru decades of propping up tyrannical despots in the ME to keep oil available and cheap. I daresay we ...


Islamists have been terrorizing Americans since the 18th century.


The US Navy was created for the specific purpose of fighting Islam.


Naval infantry (USMC)

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'Trump Is Indeed Destroying CNN': Check Out CNN's Awful Ratings!

1 person you follow joined this discussion: DarkGoldenMan | POLITICAL RHETORIC BUSTERS  POLITICAL RHETORIC BUSTERS | 78 comments

Centrist curmudgeon

How long have you been under the delusion that you know what other people are thinking?


Spoken from the idiot that believes twitchy. com


Twitchy simply reports what's happening on twitter. They've never lied about anything.

I think you might not be bright enough to be on the internet.

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Planets and Their Moons

1 person you follow joined this discussion: Nishi ♡ | Don't bully me e.e  Don't bully me e.e | 1021 comments


Fcuk, i just killed a mosquito and now i ruined the sofa with blood ._.

Nishi ♡

Lol gross.


I thought the blank upvote was Nishi alt or something.

Nishi ♡

No, I have an OP alt.

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1 person you follow joined this discussion: DarkGoldenMan | POLITICAL RHETORIC BUSTERS  POLITICAL RHETORIC BUSTERS | 208 comments

Ice T

When you lack knowledge on every issue you pretended to be an expert in during the campaign, you fall back on your strengths; being a play actor in a WWE ...


Do you think if some brain-dead rightie kills a member of the press because he thought that was what Trump wanted that Trump will even get the message that he ...

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Fernando Carvalho 

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As inscrições para o Guitar Hacks encerram HOJE!


Salve, Salve. Kiko aqui!

Hoje às 23:59h iremos encerrar as inscrições para o Guitar Hacks, e por isso eu quero te dar 3 razões pela qual eu recomendo que você se inscreva hoje.

A primeira é, eu não sei quando abrirei uma nova turma, mas sei que não será por esse valor (12x de R$48,42 ou R$497 à vista). Desta vez eu quis privilegir estes primeiros alunos.

A segunda é, sua chance de se inscrever, se arrepender e ter a sensação de "joguei dinheiro fora" é absolutamente ZERO, por causa da Garantia Incondicional de 15 dias, ou seja, se dentro de até 15 dias após sua inscrição, você decidir que o curso não é pra você, basta enviar um e-mail e minha equipe irá devolver todo seu dinheiro.

A terceira, os BÔNUS que preparei para os alunos do Guitar Hacks são tão incríveis que sozinhos já poderiam ser vendidos pelo valor que você precisará investir no curso todo.

Poderia falar muito mais, só que prefiro deixar pra você mesmo tirar suas conclusões. Acesse o link abaixo e assista o vídeo onde conto em detalhes como funciona o Guitar Hacks:

Acesse o site e assista o vídeo.

É isso, agora preciso ir, amanhã já saio em turnê com o Megadeth.

Grande abraço.


Descadastrar da lista de e-mails.

Kiko Loureiro - Rua Doutor Homem de Melo, 111 SP, São Paulo 05007001 Brazil


Fernando Carvalho 

( 17 ) 99155-4920 
( 17 )   3521-4661

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[VIDEO] Dicas Essenciais de Guitarra Blues...

Fala Guitar Hero!

Eu gravei um vídeo com meu amigo Marcel Leal com Dicas Essenciais
de Guitarra Blues

>>> CLIQUE AQUI para assistir ao Vídeo! <<<

Nesse vídeo, você vai aprender:

1) Por que é tão importante aprender a tocar Blues;

2) Quais as características que distinguem a Guitarra Blues;

3) Qual a forma mais simples e rápida de aprender o Blues;

4) Como aplicar o conceito de "Mini Blues Boxes" para turbinar 
os seus improvisos

Agora, talvez você esteja se perguntando:

Mas o que são as Mini Blues Boxes?

Bom, esse é um conceito original inventado pelo Marcel Leal...

E na minha opinião as Mini Blues Boxes são GENIAIS por 3 motivos:

- Elas permitem que você aprenda Blues se divertindo enquanto 

- Elas permitem que você consiga fazer bons improvisos desde já com 
poucas notas
 (no vídeo o Marcel mostrar um exemplo de Mini Blues Box 
com 3 notas e que soam muito bem em qualquer base de Blues);

- Elas são a forma mais simples e fácil de aprender a tocar Blues.

O Marcel Leal é um guitarrista e compositor genial, tem doutorado em 
Música, e muita experiência e conhecimento para compartilhar...

Eu posso dizer que eu aprendi MUITO gravando esse vídeo, assim como 
eu tenho certeza que você vai aprender muita coisa boa ao assisti-lo.

Clique no link abaixo
 para assistir ao Vídeo:

>>> [VIDEO] Guitarra Blues: Dicas Essenciais! <<<

Grande abraço,


P.S.: O Marcel liberou um E-book GRÁTIS recheado de dicas para
aprender a tocar Blues na Guitarra.

Você pode baixar o ebook gratuitamente clicando AQUI.

Rua Aureliano Coutinho, 101 - Petrópolis - RJ - 25625000
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Fernando Carvalho 

( 17 ) 99155-4920 no conserto 
( 17 )   3521-4661

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Just a Few Hours Left to Save $200 on Courses

Enroll Now for Berklee Online's Summer Term Enroll by June 5 to Save $200 on Select Courses

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*Early enrollment pricing is available on select courses and multi-course certificate programs that contain eligible courses, and is applied to tuition for new course enrollments only. To receive early enrollment pricing, courses must be paid in full by 5PM ET on the deadline date. Early enrollment pricing is only available to non-degree students.

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Fernando Carvalho 

( 17 ) 99155-4920 no conserto 
( 17 )   3521-4661

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Olá Fernando, Se interessou por um de nossos cursos ?

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Olá Fernando,

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O que acha de se tornar nosso assinante ?

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Fernando Carvalho 

( 17 ) 99155-4920 no conserto 
( 17 )   3521-4661

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