
[opportunities] TCS New York City Marathon 2015, Landmark Showcase Festival (September/early October 2015 shows), Daytonapalooza Original Music & Art Festival 2015, more

September 02, 2015
Recommended opportunities for Rock artists near Catanduva, SP, BR

Personalized for Cascara Sagrada based on your preferences. Manage preferences.

Festival - New York, NY
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Compete at Rock On Philly's Battle of the College Bands
Contest/Giveaway - Philadelphia, PA
Showcase at the Inaugural Daytonapalooza Festival 2015
Festival - Daytona Beach, FL
Showcase for Top-Tier Industry Professionals at Landmark's Showcases
Showcase - Toronto, ON, CA
Perform at a Carolina RailHawks Pre-Game Party
Tour Slot - Cary, NC
Showcase For Industry Executives at the Big Apple Indie Music Series
Showcase - New York, NY
Compete for Top Honors at Seattle WAVE Radio's 5th Annual Jammin' Challenge
Festival - Seattle, WA
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Banda Cáscara Sagrada
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Fernando Carvalho 

 17- 99155-4920



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