
The Fall Submission Edition: Festival Deadlines Ahead

The submission edition is back by popular demand! More fest-related goodness below. 

 **opportunity alert** 
We know that the cost of having a professional review your submission materials for grants/residencies/festivals can be truly exorbitant, so we want to review yours for free! We will be hosting a mock panel YouTube live event next month where we will go through YOUR submitted cover letters, treatments, artist statements, look books and more to give constructive critiques. If you have any questions, or if you would like to apply to have your materials critiqued (anonymously) at the event, please send Andi a link to your materials. We have limited slots available.

Let's do this!

The KitSplit Team
Here are some upcoming deadlines from festivals we love! The best part? These festivals all have multiple categories (or early bird deadlines) where entry fees that are $25 or less!
As opposed to event-based classes we've shared in the past, we wanted to share some of the permanent online classes our staff has taken and loved! Hot tip, most of these sites end up having ridiculous sales - don't pay sticker price! Udemy classes go on sale 1x a week or more for over 70% off sticker price, and Skillshare has a free 30-day trial. 
We know that lots of folks were finding support at the beginning of the pandemic, but so many artists are still feeling the effects! Here is a list of organizations that are still creating  resources for artists in need:

The Actors Fund
The Artists Fellowship
Carnegie Fund for Authors

Foundation for Contemporary Arts
National Endowment for the Arts
New York Foundation for the Arts

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Musica todo dia, sem limite 
Fernando Carvalho 
( 17 ) 99741-9499

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