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Ep. 1614 If Biden Was Trying To Destroy The Country Would He Do Anything Different? 22 hours ago

Psaki Tries Not To Get Fired 18 hours ago

Cotton Puts Milley On The Spot: "Why Haven't You Resigned?" 21 hours ago

Patriot Joe Rogan Exposes The Truth In EPIC Video 1 day ago

Lori Lightfoot on the Importance of Submitting to "the New World Order" 15 hours ago

Does Pelosi Know Something We Don't? 19 hours ago

Milley contradicts Biden during testimony, calls Afghan withdrawal 'strategic failure' - JTN Now 18 hours ago

Media Bait NBA Star on Vaccine, His Answer Makes Room Go Silent 15 hours ago

Marine Officer Who Went Viral for Afghanistan Rant Now Jailed 22 hours ago

Resurfaced 2007 Video Proves Biden's Border Crisis Is by Design 23 hours ago

Lib Celeb Shocked to Learn Russiagate Is a Hoax 23 hours ago

Tom Cotton questions top brass on Afghanistan 22 hours ago

General Milley & Sec. Austin admit Biden waited 10 days after Kabul fell to ask for an assessment 22 hours ago

Sen. Tom Cotton asks General Milley: "Why haven't you resigned?" 22 hours ago

Sen. Tom Cotton asks if Joe Biden was advised by military leaders on troop presence in Afghanistan 22 hours ago

Just the News Now - September 28, 2021 23 hours ago

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