
outdated reference

(Outdated reference, we know.)

🌷 ...but now is the time to plan a spring tour! 🌷

Spring is a great time to hit the road because all of your fans are tired of being stuck inside all winter.

And those who aren't fans yet are itching to go see a show!

But don't hit the road without consulting your Indie Venue Bible.

You don't have it yet!?

Click here to get over 1500 pages full of music venues and festivals spanning the U.S. and Canada.

That's over 30,000 venues!
(Would you rather find 30,000 venues via Google? Nah, you wouldn't.)

Each venue is identified by a set of genre tags to ensure each venue fits your music.

It's a time saver and a no brainer.

Click here to get the Indie Venue Bible...
… and start planning your Spring Tour today!

~The Team @ Indie Bible

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Musica todo dia, sem limite 
Fernando Carvalho 
( 17 ) 99741-9499

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