
Promote your music to 35,000 radio stations worldwide

Hire the radio promoter major labels use
Promote your music to more than 35.000 radio stations worldwide
FM / AM / Digital / Satellite / Internet / Network radio / In-store
Guaranteed results 
Start the radio promo of your music now!
Sign up and get airplay now!
(if you already have an account with iPluggers, login to upload your songs)
Questions? Contact the iPluggers support team via
Pricing for worldwide radio promotion
Single       € 349
EP            € 475
Album       € 599
* 100% guarantee on results
* Genre-based radio promotion (up to 3 genres)
* Real-time download reports
* Receive radio feedback & interview requests
* Your own label and artist profile
* Your release will stay available for airplay forever
About iPluggers
iPluggers digitally promotes releases genre-based to more than 35.000 radio stations. These are FM, AM, internet, digital, satellite, in-store, local and regional radio stations worldwide.
iPluggers does the worldwide radio promotion for a.o.:
Janet Jackson, Snoop Dogg, Pitbull, Shaggy, Sean Paul, Mario Winans, Tito Jackson, Elephant Man, Mohombi, Daddy Yankee, Afrojack, Gigi D'Agostino, Kat Deluna, INNA, Alexandra Stan, Eurovision Song Contest participants, Beenie Man, Shifty Binzer, Raluka, Chenoa, Obie Trice, Bobby Farrell.

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113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205

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Musica todo dia, sem limite 
Fernando Carvalho 
( 17 ) 99741-9499

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Banda Cáscara Sagrada
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